Can I still borrow as much?

May 11th, 2020|0 Comments

Can I still borrow as much? For those of you who are thinking about buying, here is some information. You will be well aware that the economy is suffering the effects of [...]

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How to make money after 50?

October 17th, 2019|0 Comments

How to make money after 50? I don't get asked this question as much as some others, but I suspect it is on a lot of people's minds , or at least [...]

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Mortgages and Investments

April 30th, 2019|0 Comments

Mortgages and Investments Mortgages How much deposit do I need to buy my first home? As I am sure you know by now, no question ever has an exact answer, but if [...]

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The Housing Market

October 25th, 2018|0 Comments

The Housing Market Banks are tightening i.e. they won't lend you as much as they did a year ago and Millenials, I think, are starting to question whether they really want to [...]

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