Buying Property in 2020: Should You Commit to Doing It?
Everyone wants to know: is now a good time to buy? Or are interest rates going to go lower? But what I don’t hear very often is what people are trying to achieve. Advising [...]
Over 55 and Affected by a “Life Event”?
A lot of good things happen in life, but regrettably, there are some "events" which leave people over 55 needing to get a mortgage and wondering if a bank will say Yes. I have [...]
Top questions asked by First Home Buyers – June 2020
How much can I borrow? This will depend on a number of things like your income, what industry you are in, plus all of the below; Your credit history What debts you may have- [...]
Can I still borrow as much?
Can I still borrow as much? For those of you who are thinking about buying, here is some information. You will be well aware that the economy is suffering the effects of [...]
Turn a mortgage application “No” into a “Yes”
Turn a mortgage application "No" into a "Yes" Did you know two common reasons for a "No" from your bank are; The application hasn't been presented in a way the bank likes i.e. [...]
Can you re-finance my second tier lender back to a high street bank?
Can you re-finance my second tier lender back to a high street bank? It will come as no surprise the reason behind this question is cost. There are a load of reasons [...]
What should you do when the bank says No?
What should you do when the bank says No? When a bank says No, it is a natural reaction to think Why, what have I done? In the many instances that I [...]
How to make money after 50?
How to make money after 50? I don't get asked this question as much as some others, but I suspect it is on a lot of people's minds , or at least [...]
Do you have a Challenging home or business loan situation? – a story of woe
Here are some of the roadblocks which you need to overcome: Credit history No defaults, judgements Move on Account conduct Dishonour fees Stop Account always in the black Move on Personal loans None [...]
Mortgages – How long does it take to get pre-approved or a loan offer from a bank? The answer will surprise you.
How long does it take to get pre-approved or a loan offer from a bank? The answer will surprise you. The stock standard answer is around 5 working days for any of the mainstream [...]
What do you need to have ready for your mortgage application?
3 months bank statements Your lender will look at these line by line to check whether you have stayed in the black every month or if you have gone into the red. If it [...]
Have you been Declined a mortgage by your bank? Part 2
Last month I gave you a few tips to turn a "No" into a "Yes", here are a few more to further improve your chances Financial Statements If you are self employed you will [...]
Why you shouldn’t have all your lending with one bank – a story of woe
The smart money diversifies not only its investments but also its lenders. So why every week do I come across someone who has all their borrowings with one lender? Who is in control? Not you, [...]
First Home Buyers – Your country needs you!
First Home Buyers - Your country needs you! Most of us want to own a home, after all that is the dream which has been sold to us. So is it possible? [...]
Mortgages and Investments
Mortgages and Investments Mortgages How much deposit do I need to buy my first home? As I am sure you know by now, no question ever has an exact answer, but if [...]
Can I get a home loan with only a 10% deposit?
Can I get a home loan with only a 10% deposit? Good news you can! Recent changes mean this is now possible, albeit conditions will apply. Banks come and go. Some weeks [...]
The Housing Market
The Housing Market Banks are tightening i.e. they won't lend you as much as they did a year ago and Millenials, I think, are starting to question whether they really want to [...]
Property Investment Loans- Interest only or Principal and Interest
Property Investment Loans - Interest only or Principal and Interest Over the past 10+ years investors have had it good with easy cheap money available from the banks. This is slowly changing [...]
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