
About lindsey

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So far lindsey has created 24 blog entries.

What do you need to have ready for your mortgage application?


3 months bank statements Your lender will look at these line by line to check whether you have stayed in the black every month or if you have gone into the red.  If it is the latter, you must have an arranged overdraft facility.  What they absolutely don't like are the words; "Unarranged overdraft [...]

What do you need to have ready for your mortgage application?2020-06-09T13:44:50+13:00

Have you been Declined a mortgage by your bank? Part 2


Last month I gave you a few tips to turn a "No" into a "Yes", here are a few more to further improve your chances Financial Statements If you are self employed you will have likely encountered the phrase "We need two years signed financials". You can get a loan approved with less than [...]

Have you been Declined a mortgage by your bank? Part 22020-06-09T13:46:50+13:00

Why you shouldn’t have all your lending with one bank – a story of woe


The smart money diversifies not only its investments but also its lenders. So why every week do I come across someone who has all their borrowings with one lender? Who is in control? Not you, the bank is as it will usually have tied up all your assets and so whatever you do in the [...]

Why you shouldn’t have all your lending with one bank – a story of woe2020-06-09T13:46:13+13:00

Can I get a home loan with only a 10% deposit?


Can I get a home loan with only a 10% deposit? Good news you can!  Recent changes mean this is now possible, albeit conditions will apply. Banks come and go.  Some weeks ASB will have the necessary funds to lend, then two weeks later it could be Westpac's turn and so on. [...]

Can I get a home loan with only a 10% deposit?2019-07-31T16:57:27+13:00

The Housing Market


The Housing Market Banks are tightening i.e. they won't lend you as much as they did a year ago and Millenials, I think, are starting to question whether they really want to commit to a $1M+ mortgage. Tightening by the banks is generally a good idea, but they really should have done [...]

The Housing Market2019-02-08T16:19:50+13:00

Property Investment Loans- Interest only or Principal and Interest


Property Investment Loans - Interest only or Principal and Interest Over the past 10+ years investors have had it good with easy cheap money available from the banks. This is slowly changing with money becoming harder to get and at lower levels than 2 years ago (Assuming income is as it was). [...]

Property Investment Loans- Interest only or Principal and Interest2018-09-20T11:59:51+13:00

Has your bank said No?


Has your bank said No? Have you recently been told "No" or come back in 3 months? Well I have some news good news and some tips for you. Here's the good news. Just because one bank says "No" it doesn't mean to say all the others will too. Have you tried [...]

Has your bank said No?2019-10-01T16:19:01+13:00

Banks’ latest changes- Personal living expenses


Banks' latest changes- Personal living expenses Bank's have recently increased the living costs for an adult and child, which isn't unreasonable given inflation, but there is more to the story than this. In the past, when you have applied for a loan you have been asked how much you spend every month [...]

Banks’ latest changes- Personal living expenses2018-08-15T17:29:25+13:00
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