
About lindsey

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So far lindsey has created 24 blog entries.

Buying Property in 2020: Should You Commit to Doing It?


Everyone wants to know: is now a good time to buy? Or are interest rates going to go lower? But what I don’t hear very often is what people are trying to achieve. Advising someone who is 30 and on a good salary is very different from advising someone who is 50, owns three [...]

Buying Property in 2020: Should You Commit to Doing It?2022-12-13T14:17:20+13:00

Over 55 and Affected by a “Life Event”?


A lot of good things happen in life, but regrettably, there are some "events" which leave people over 55 needing to get a mortgage and wondering if a bank will say Yes. I have good news for you. Banks will always listen to your story and will, assuming your cashflow and credit score is [...]

Over 55 and Affected by a “Life Event”?2020-06-23T11:46:09+13:00

Top questions asked by First Home Buyers – June 2020


How much can I borrow? This will depend on a number of things like your income, what industry you are in, plus all of the below; Your credit history What debts you may have- car loans, loans for sofas, PCS, Student loan etc Credit card limit Deposit size Basically there is no one size [...]

Top questions asked by First Home Buyers – June 20202020-06-09T13:42:04+13:00

Turn a mortgage application “No” into a “Yes”


Turn a mortgage application "No" into a "Yes" Did you know two common reasons for a "No" from your bank are; The application hasn't been presented in a way the bank likes i.e. it is missing a lot of supporting documentation The lender/ manager you are talking to doesn't understand your application or [...]

Turn a mortgage application “No” into a “Yes”2020-06-09T11:40:28+13:00

Can you re-finance my second tier lender back to a high street bank?


Can you re-finance my second tier lender back to a high street bank? It will come as no surprise the reason behind this question is cost. There are a load of reasons why someone has to go to a second tier lender. In order to get back to a first lender you [...]

Can you re-finance my second tier lender back to a high street bank?2020-06-09T13:42:55+13:00

Do you have a Challenging home or business loan situation? – a story of woe


Here are some of the roadblocks which you need to overcome: Credit history No defaults, judgements Move on Account conduct Dishonour fees Stop Account always in the black Move on Personal loans None Move on Car loans, credit card debt > $10,000 Stop- assess Self Employed Two years financials Move on No financials [...]

Do you have a Challenging home or business loan situation? – a story of woe2020-06-09T13:44:00+13:00

Mortgages – How long does it take to get pre-approved or a loan offer from a bank? The answer will surprise you.


How long does it take to get pre-approved or a loan offer from a bank? The answer will surprise you. The stock standard answer is around 5 working days for any of the mainstream lenders. Sometimes you get lucky and can hit a quiet patch, but the best I have seen recently is 3 [...]

Mortgages – How long does it take to get pre-approved or a loan offer from a bank? The answer will surprise you.2020-06-09T13:44:19+13:00
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